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ArticleName The Zavitinskoye lithium-beryllium deposit dumps as raw material for lithium production
DOI 10.17580/or.2015.02.09
ArticleAuthor Azarova Yu. V., Kazantsev V. V., Koltsov V. Yu., Sarychev G. A., Tananaev I. G.

VNIIHT (Russia):

Azarova Yu. V., Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy, Senior Researcher

Kazantsev V. V., Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy, Head of Laboratory

Koltsov V. Yu., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Head of Department

E-mail (common):


National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) (Russia):

Sarychev G. A., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Chair
Tananaev I. G., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor

E-mail (common):


The Zabaikalsky MCC Zavitinskoye deposit dumps were subjected to geological-technological survey, including the deposit general characteristic and mineralogical-petrological studies, in order to determine prospects for production of lithium from the dumped wastes, to satisfy the needs of electronic, electrotechnics and nuclear power industry. Occurrence and distribution specialties of lithium-beryllium mineralization valuable components in cut-off grade ores and enclosing rocks were determined. The main valuable minerals in ores are aluminosilicates spodumene and beryl. Fine-grained arenaceous rocks are mainly represented by quartz with small inclusions of albite. Quartz-feldspathic rocks are represented by quartz, albite, muscovite and lepidolite. It is noted, that most ore bodies are distinguished by a characteristic feature of internal structure — banding, conforming to their contacts. Bands thickness varies from 2–3 cm to 2.5 m. Bands may branch out, taper out again appear. Owing to the all above mentioned features, the ores and dumped wastes in question are promising with regards to lump radiometric sorting. A principal combination processing flow sheet is proposed for dumped wastes treatment, that includes primary radiometric sorting of finely-crushed material, direct anionic flotation of spodumene with lithium mineral associates by means of oxyhydril collectors, providing for production of concentrate containing 2–4 % of lithium oxide, and subsequent chemical-metallurgical processing of lithium concentrate with production of lithium carbonate by means of sulfuric acid (sulphate) flow sheet.

The authors are indebted to Yu. M. Trubakov, N. Ye. Babenkova and O. M. Vilkova for their participation in the experimental studies.
The research was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the agreement No. 14.578.21.0050, unique identifier for the project RFMEFI57814X0050.

keywords Lithium, spodumene, dumped wastes processing, flotation, chemical-metallurgical processing, process mineralogy

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Language of full-text russian
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