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ArticleName Nonmetallic minerals dust fractions utilization
ArticleAuthor Arsentyev V. A., Bernshtein L. G., Kutolin V. A., Shuloyakov A. D.

Interstroyproekt (Russia):

Arsentyev V. A., Deputy General Director, Doctor of Engineering,  


Research and Testing Center «GiproCement Science and Quality Control» Ltd (Russia):

Bernshtein L. G., General Director,


Interstroyproekt (Russia):

Kutolin V. A., Chief Process Engineer, Doctor of Mineralogy,

Shuloyakov A. D., General Director, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences,


The article describes special features of a technology developed for production of granulated aggregate for concretes using screenings' dust fractions of 0–0.16 and 0–0.63 mm size, obtained in crushed stone production, as raw material. Granulated aggregate differs from haydite type aggregate in raw material used for its production: it is not special bloating clays, but usual igneous rocks: granites, basalts, syenites. The technology is based on screenings' dust fractions mixing with poreforming/blowing agent, granulation of obtained mix with application of binding agent and subsequent highheat treatment/calcining of produced granules. As a result, strong granules with closed pores are produced. Characteristics of produced aggregate samples, and those of concrete samples prepared with the same aggregate, are presented. So, experimental samples of aggregate are approximately two times lighter, than haydite, and with that, real density of granulated aggregate is approximately by 10 % higher with significantly smaller water absorption. Specialties of blowing agent interaction with molten mix are considered, and problems, related to chosen blowing agent application, are formulated. A necessity of search and choice for alternative types of highheat blowing agents, suitable for largescale production of granulated aggregate, is substantiated. Realization of this technology will be provided in a presently constructed pilot plant complex, to be used for utilization of primary waste resulting from inert nonmetallic minerals.

keywords Granulated aggregate, manufactured gravel, waste utilization, dust fractions, crushing screenings

1. Arsentyev V. A., Vaisberg L. A., Shuloyakov A. D., Romashev A. O. Obogashchenie Rud, 2012, No. 5, pp. 51–54.

2. Nekrasov B. V. Kurs obshchey khimii (Course of the general chemistry). Moscow, Goskhimizdat, 1960, 973 p.

Language of full-text russian
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