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ArticleName Motion of gas bubble in horizontally oscillating vessel with liquid
ArticleAuthor Vasilkov V. B., Demidov I. V., Sorokin V. S.

REC «Mekhanobr-Тekhnika», Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of RAS (Russia):

Vasilkov V. B., Leading Researcher


Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University) (Russia):

Demidov I. V., Student


REC «Mekhanobr-Тekhnika», Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of RAS (Russia):

Sorokin V. S., Senior Researcher,


Tasks on solid and deformable particles motion in liquid, in particular, separate gas bubble or bubble with attached particle, are the basic model tasks in the theory of beneficiation processes. Presently, vibration technologies are widely used in oredressing operations. In connection with this, a study of effect of oscillating fluid on particles and gas bubbles, contained in this fluid, is of interest. This work theoretically and experimentally investigates gas bubble motion in viscous incompressible liquid in horizontally oscillating vessel, taking into consideration bubble's proper compressibility. A nonlinear differential equation of its motion relative to vessel was derived, and a method of straight division of motions was used for the equation's solution. It was established, that bubble under effect of vibration moves laterally from the vessel's center, and this motion occurs owing to its own compressibility. Dependence of respective vibrational force on bubble size was determined, in particular, it was revealed, that with respect to small bubbles, this force magnitude is smaller by the factor of three, if compared to large bubbles. A simple physical explanation is proposed for this effect. An approximate expression has been obtained for average velocity of bubble's motion in liquid, its relationship to bubble radius and vibration parameters has been established. A series of natural experiments was performed, the results verifying and supplementing the theoretical conclusions of the work. The results, obtained in this study, may be of interest for development of the theory of vibrational methods and technologies to be employed in beneficiation processes, and in particular, flotation process.

keywords Flotation, horizontally oscillating vessel, viscous incompressible liquid, compressible bubble, average velocity of motion

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Language of full-text russian
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