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ArticleName The methodology of the predesign assessment of rock massifs` explosibility in open pits
ArticleAuthor Dunaev V. A., Seryy S. S., Ignatenko I. M., Ovsyannikov A. N.

"VIOGEM" JSC, Belgorod, Russia:

Dunaev V. A., Head of the Department of Geology and Geoinformatics, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences , phone: +7 (4722) 34-65-96

Seryy S. S., Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Scientific Work, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Ignatenko I. M., Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science


Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia:

Ovsyannikov A. N., Post-Graduate Student


The authors developed the predesign assessment methodology of rocks explosibility and quality of explosive preparation of rock mass, along with realization technology of this methodology, including the following operations:

-remote (photometric) obtaining of the basic data about blockiness of rock massif and lumpiness of exploded rock mass;

-development of the deposit`s rocks classification by blockiness and explosibility;

-modeling of a fissure grid geometry of separateness and anisotropy of fissuring intensity;

-formation of the open pit`s field map by explosibility of rocks and, thereupon, designing of parameters of drilling and blasting operations, using the functional BlockBlast module of mining-and-geological program complex GIS GEOMIX on all stages of the process.

The blockiness assessment of rock massif with the unsystematic development of the separateness and lumpiness fissures of exploaded rock mass is carried out, using a photograph by its fragmentation on the pieces, using F.Meyer`s marker watershed algorithm. At first, with the system development of fissures in the rock massif, the fissures of a block-forming systems are vectorized on the photograph by various types of lines, and then, the required distances are determined by a perpendicular between the adjacent fissures of each system.

The anisotropy of the fissuring intensity of rock massifs with a parallelepiped separateness is characterized by the 3-d model of its form and orientation, and generally – by the flat tenzorial probability model (orientation of vectors of maximum and minimum fissuring intensity in the horizontal plane).

The positive approbation results of base blocks of the offered assessment methodology of rocks explosibility and quality of explosive preparation of rock mass in open pits of Stoylenskiy, Lebedinsky and Kovdor ore dressing and processing enterprises showed its prospectivity. It can be used at other mining enterprises with open-pit mining of mineral raw materials with one or another adaptation to the specific working conditions.

keywords Open pit, explosibility of rocks, lumpiness of the exploded rock mass, fissuring intensity anisotropy, methodology, estimation, forecast, modelling, computer technology

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Language of full-text russian
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