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ArticleName Methods of solving the problems of normalization of heat conditions in mine openings of Donbass deep mines
ArticleAuthor Pivnyak G. G., Boyko V. A.

National Mining University of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine):

Pivnyak G. G., Rector, Academican of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, e-mail:
Boyko V. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


The problem of a normalization of thermal conditions in Donbass deep mines already existed in the Soviet Period. This problem has been solved by installation of air conditioning system in headings. The natural temperature of rocks reached 40–45 °C in deep operating mines of Donbass. At the beginning of 2010, more than 10 thousands of miners have been working in the faces, where air temperature was 33–38 °С, when, according to the medical information, heating of a person's body to 40 °С leads to the heatstroke, as well as heating to the 43 °С leads to the lethal outcome.
Scientists of Ukrainian National Mining University developed a theoretically based combined scheme of a normalization of heat conditions in deep mine headings. This scheme helps the following operations:
- supplies the protection of miners from infra red radiation;
- realizes a passing ahead cooling of rocks on the excavation way;
- quickly formes a heat equalizing layers around the headings;
- significantly decreases the heat inflow of massif to the headings and moves avay the extracted rocks` heat (for using it on earth surface).

keywords Normalization of thermal conditions in mines, speeded up formation of a heat equalizing layers, cooling rocks by well, advanced heading

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Language of full-text russian
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