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ArticleName Protection of results of intellectual activity in the mining industry
ArticleAuthor Vyunnik A. V., Safyannikova T. B., Tripoleva T. I.

Vyunnik A. V., Research Associate of Intellectual Property Laboratory; Safyannikova T. B., Head of Intellectual Property Laboratory, e-mail:; Tripoleva T. I., Senior Research Associate of Intellectual Property Laboratory, Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”.


An evaluation of intellectual activity and patent researches in the mining industry is presented therein. The basic of carrying out all types of patent researches lies in publicly available patent information being an indicator of scientific-and-technological advance and scopes of companies intellectual capital. Modern competitive intelligence is acquiring features of full-scale patent studies. Specific character of the patent policy of major mining enterprises is observed. The principles of large mining enterprise patent portfolio composing have to take into account both substantial changes in structure of the world investment capital and a possibility of adjustment of large-scale market sectors of science intensive products using exclusive rights instrument. Actual task can be also identified as task of security ensuring of personal intellectual property and prevention of possible lawsuits. Importance of possible diversification of production is also marked here. Trademark of the company is emphasized as a special issue of intellectual property, being also a symbol of certain status possession. The increase of such nonconventional results of intellectual activity as integrated technologies, software products and databases in total volume of intellectual property within mining industry is noted. Current and longtermed (strategic) profits of the innovative developments patent support and their record within non-tangible assets of the enterprise in modern conditions of market competition are justified. The most meaningful group among intangible assets is a group of intellectual property that enables to attain a rise of the enterprise economic efficiency by means of capitalization increase and reduction of taxable base. Protection of intellectual property and systematic usage of intellectual activity results at the mining enterprise provide benefits in solving its’ current and strategic development tasks.

keywords Mining industry, intellectual property, patent researches, competition intelligence, innovation developments, non-tangible assets, diversification, trademarks, geo information technologies

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Language of full-text russian
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