Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2011 →  №8-9 →  Назад

Название Analysis and prediction of parameters of the existing operation as exemplified in Kola MMC’ concentration plant
Автор Klemyatov A. A., Maksimov V. I., Permyakov A. S.
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Gipronickel Institute Ltd

A. A. Klemyatov, Senior Researcher, Raw Material Beneficiation Sector, e-mail: AAKle@nikel.spb.su
V. I. Maksimov, Head of Laboratory
A. S. Permyakov, Researcher, Laboratory of Raw Material Geological and Technological Studies


Analysis of the existing operation is the essential element in the scope of measures aimed at maintaining and improving the said operation efficiency. The article provides with the results of analysis of Kola MMC’ Concentrator running. Using the concentration curves, changes in nickel recovery into the concentrate at the fixed Ni grade in the ROM ore for the period from 2004 through 2010 have been calculated and clearly demonstrated. Based on data scope’ statistical processing, equation has been proposed correlating the ore share per each input stream and nickel grade in the stream with the rate of nickel recovery into the concentrate. Effect of load due to ore at various nickel grades on the rate of nickel recovery into the concentrate has been demonstrated.

Ключевые слова Nickel, beneficiation, ore, extraction, forecasting, analysis, statistics, dependence, productivity, simulation
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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