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ArticleName The behavior of dielectric nonlinearity under continual illumination of SBN−75+Cr single crystal
ArticleAuthor K. P. Guzhakovskaya, A. I. Burkhanov, L. I. Ivleva
ArticleAuthorData K. P. Guzhakovskaya, A. I. Burkhanov, Volgograd State University of Architectural and Civil Engineering; L. I. Ivleva, A. M. Prochorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

We have observed the dielectric response of SBN−75+0.01 at.% Cr single crystal in the area of the diffuse phase transition. The effect of illumination and exposure (ageing) on the character of ε'(E=) has been displayed. We show that the memory effects typical of the relaxors disappear almost completely under illumination of SBN−75+0.01 at.% Cr single crystal.

keywords Strontium−barium niobate, reversible permittivity, photodielectric response, dielectric memory effect.

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