Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2009 →  №5 →  Назад

Название Increase of belt conveyors pulleys and rollers durability through rubberizing
Автор Kopchenkov V. G., Penkin N. S., Serbin V. М.
Информация об авторе Kopchenkov V. G., e-mail: dm@stv.runnet.ru
Реферат The article reviews proposed technological alternatives for the method of production of rubberized belt conveyors pulleys and rollers through high-temperature and cold vulcanization. Major manufacturers of rubberized component parts are reviewed.
Ключевые слова Belt conveyors, rollers, pulleys, belt, rubberizing, high-temperature and cold vulcanization.
Библиографический список 1. Povysheniye iznosostoykosti gorno-obogatitelnogo oborudovaniya / N. S. Penkin, E. P. Kapralov et al.; pod red. N. S. Penkina. M.: Nedra, 1992.
2. Volotkovskiy V. S., Nokhrin E. G., Gerasimova M. F. Iznos i dolgovechnost konveyernykh lent. M.: Nedra, 1976.
Language of full-text русский
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