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ArticleName Resource finishing of Streletskoe ore field using physical-chemical geo-technologies
ArticleAuthor Morozov A. A., Gavrilov A. A.

Morozov A. A., Head of Geological Engineering Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, phone: (30245) 3-30-54, Priargunsky Mining and Chemical Works; Gavrilov A. A., Post-Graduate Student, phone: (30245) 3-35-89, Chita State University.

Expediency of using different versions of physical-chemical geo-technologies during development of uranium-bearing ores with priority usage of underground leaching has been substantiated on the base of resource development at 4th mine of Priargunskoe industrial mine-chemical association. It has been allowed to expanded raw material base of enterprise owing to involving detached deposits of poor and out of balance ore, useless for traditional techniques of development in extraction and and processing.
keywords Physical-chemistry technologies, percolation leaching, heap and underground leaching, shrinkage of broken ore, pile forming, poor and out of balance ores, deposits of natural uranium.

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Language of full-text russian
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