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ArticleName Supramolecular complex formation with interaction of carboxylic collector and amido acids group reagent in flotation
ArticleAuthor Usmanova N. F., Bragin V. I.
ArticleAuthorData Usmanova Natal’ya Fergatovna, Reseacher,, +7 (391) 212-48-13, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS (Russia); Bragin Viktor Igorevich, Leading Reseacher, Siberian Federal University (Russia).

The results of studies on carboxylic collector and amido acid interaction in flotation of apatite and calcite monomineral fractions are presented. Interaction of reagents in sorption layer was studied for the first time from the position of supramolecular complex formation.

keywords Flotation, reagents-collectors, fatty-acid collector, amido acid, apatite, calcite, self-assembly, supramolecular complex.

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Language of full-text russian
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