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75 years of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
ArticleName Processing of the Oxidized Materials with High Halogenide Content
ArticleAuthor Skudniy A. I., Kozlov P. A., Ivakin D. A., Zatonskiy A. V., Asadulin R. R.
ArticleAuthorData A. I. Skudniy, leading production engineer of the Engineering centre; P. A. Kozlov, doctor of science, head of the Engineering centre, e-mail:; D. A. Ivakin, candidate of science, head of production office of the Engineering centre; A. V. Zatonskiy, technical director; R. R. Asadulin, head of leaching plant Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (CZP).

Features of chlorine and fluorine precipitation from middlings of zinc production are considered; in particular the behavior of these components is studied in experimental conditions at Waelz-process with calcium oxide. It is found out that degree of chlorine and fluorine volatilization decrease to 15% at the content of calcium oxide in charge not less than 20%. It allows in a combination to water washing removing to 97% of chlorine and 85% of fluorine from Waelz-fume with transfer of their considerable part in clinker.

keywords Zinc-containing waste, chlorine, fluorine, calcium oxide, leaching, Waelz-process, secondary fumes.

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