Journals →  Non-ferrous Мetals →  2010 →  #1 →  Back

ArticleName Prospects of application of carbonyl metallurgy processes and materials in the field of high technologies
ArticleAuthor Biketova L. V., Lisakov Yu. N., Mnukhin A. S., Pelikh Yu. M., Severgin Yu. P.
ArticleAuthorData Biketova L. V., Researcher, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, Phone: (812)335-30-78, Lisakov Yu. N., Researcher, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, Mnukhin A. S., Head, Laboratory of Gas-Phase Metallurgy, Pelikh Yu. M., Leading Engineer, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, Severgin Yu. P., Director on Engineering Problems of Electrophysics, (Gipronickel Institute)
References 1. Kipnis A. Ya. // Development of theoretical fundamentals of nickel, cobalt and copper metallurgical processes. — SPb. : Gipronickel, 1991. P. 149–169.
Language of full-text english
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