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ArticleName Forecasting of theoretically attainable parameters of concentration by method of mineralogical simulation
ArticleAuthor Khashkovskaya T. N., Lyalinov D. V., Maksimov V. I., Vakhrusheva A. P., Kozyrev S. M.
ArticleAuthorData Khashkovskaya T. N., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Gipronickel Institute, Lyalinov D. V., Researcher, Phone: (812)335-31-00*(44-53), Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Gipronickel Institute, Maksimov V. I., Head, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Vakhrusheva A. P., Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Gipronickel Institute, Kozyrev S. M., Director on R&D, Gipronickel Institute
References 1. Maksimov V. I., Kozyrev S. M., Lyalinov D. V. Carrying-out mineralo gical-technological analysis of products selected in the course of General sampling at TCM with a view of drawing-up recommendations on improving the quality of concentrates and cutting down losses of metals // Research Report of NIR Gipronickel Institute. — SPb. 2003. — 207 p.
2. Lamberg P., Liipo Yu. // OBOGASHCENIYE RUD. Tsvetnye Metally. N 6. 2001. P. 44–47.
3. Sotka P., Lambert P. // Ibid. P. 33–36.
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