ArticleName |
Stability rating
method for mine openings |
ArticleAuthorData |
NUST MISIS’ College of Mining, Moscow, Russia
V. A. Eremenko, Director of the Research Center for Applied Geomechanics and Convergent Technologies in Mining, Professor at the Department of Physical Processes in Mining and Geocontrol, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, M. A. Kosyreva, Project Engineer at the Research Center for Applied Geomechanics and Convergent Technologies in Mining,
POLYUS, Moscow, Russia
V. N. Lushnikov, Director of Geotechnical and Gidrogeology Engineering |
Abstract |
The article describes the integrated method of stability rating for underground openings using an index including some geometrical and geotechnical parameter. The method is a flexible system adaptable to specific geological conditions of ore deposits. This approach is not a method of rock mass characterization like classification systems for rock masses (Q-system, Q, RMR, GSI etc.) but a tool for application of these systems. Toward better usability, an integrated nomogram is developed; it includes nine special nomograms, with visualization graphs of the stability rating of mine openings by the proposed index and efficient operation. All nine nomograms are inter-related. For instance, nomogram 1 images the stability rating system for mine openings by the index Rm, nomograms 3 and 4 image the rock mass rating system by Bieniawski, nomogram 5 describes the Mathews–Potvin system, etc. Having performed measurements and estimation, and plotting a point on one graph, it is possible to pass on to any other graph and nomogram. The developed index-based rating system for the stability of mine openings allows an integrated estimate of geological conditions of heading. The pilot testing of the proposed method and its adjustment with regard to specific conditions of certain mines is planned to be performed at some mines in Russia and near abroad. |
References |
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