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Minimization of geomechanical risks in mining |
Abstract |
Geomechanical support of mining operations, using modern software solutions for the development of geomechanical (block) models, is designed to provide forecasting and assessment of geomechanical risks at the stage of mining planning. To minimize geomechanical risks, it is recommended to additionally consider the possibility of reducing stresses in hazardous areas during modeling by means of the stress–strain behavior control in rock mass. In order to implement this task in the block model, it is proposed to additionally take into account changes in the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. As an example of geomechanical risk reduction, the article describes the positive experience of using the technology of regional integrated effect on coal–rock mass, which made it possible to drastically reduce stresses and occupational injuries in the areas of high rock pressure, in the western wing of the Yurshor mine, Vorkutaugol Production Association. The decision to reduce stresses in the areas of high rock pressure in the western wing of the mine was made based on the analysis of industrial injuries and accidents in the eastern wing of the mine, where no stress reduction measures were applied and 21 cases of industrial injuries occurred, including 3 fatal cases. It was decided to apply a regional integrated effect on coal interbeds between the seams Moshchny and Fifth, including preliminary hydrotreatment, explosion and hydrodynamic impact using the technology of hydromicro-blasting, fluid pulse and hydraulic fracturing. The application of this regional technology contributed to the reduction of the test coal–rock mass into a plastic state, as well as to a drastic decrease in stress concentration in the high rock pressure zones (by 1.6 times) and in number of occupational injuries. |
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