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Machine-building technologies
Название Evaluation of the depth and degree of work hardening during rough turning of high-manganese steel
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.09.11
Автор V. P. Zakharova, E. G. Zlotnikov, M. A. Admakin, M. O. Gilvitinov
Информация об авторе

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia

V. P. Zakharova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, e-mail: zakharova_vp@pers.spmi.ru
E. G. Zlotnikov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, e-mail: Zlotnikov_EG@pers.spmi.ru
M. A. Admakin, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, e-mail: Admakin_MA@pers.spmi.ru
M. O. Gilvitinov, Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering1, e-mail: s210468@stud.spmi.ru


The present work is devoted to the study of the depth of the hardened layer and the degree of work hardening during rough turning of high-manganese steel grade 110G13L (Hadfield steel). The work considers the special properties, scope and problems arising during machining of Hadfield steel. The work presents the results of the studies carried out during rough external turning of a cast workpiece with a round cross-section. The optimal composition of the reagent and etching time were determined to assess changes in the structure of steel due to work hardening, and a microstructural analysis was carried out. The degree of hardening of the hardened layer was assessed. The dependence of the degree of hardening obtained during rough turning on the depth was studied. The results obtained make it possible to develop a strategy for subsequent machining of Hadfield steel workpieces. The work provides recommendations on the choice of processing methods and metal-cutting tools.

Ключевые слова Work hardening, hardening, turning process, machinability, cutting conditions, tool wear, high-manganese steel, microhardness
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