Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №7 →  Назад

Название Effect of geological and geophysical conditions on the choice of strata for gas injection and storage
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.11
Автор Alieva O. A., Aliyarova Kh. E., Mamedova S. B.
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Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan
O. A. Alieva, Lecturer, ofeliya.aliyeva@azoiu.edu.az
Kh. E. A liyarova, Assistant Chemist
S. B. Mamedova, Assistant Chemist


Geological and geophysical conditions of an underground area meant for gas storage have such indicators as: reservoir pressure, reservoir temperature, gas permeability, porosity, structural nonuniformity, fractional composition of rocks composing a reservoir, etc. The laboratory tests and field research were carried out to investigate reservoir properties of underground strata and physical characteristics of gas to be stored in these strata. Using the method of gas dynamic probing, the sites were selected for gas injection in a field with tectonic faults, and permeability of faults at the gas storages was determined. The studies are carried out at the Kalmaz gas storage facility. The article presents the map of the study objects with faults, and describes the methods of determining minimum gas depth with regard to reservoir and rock pressures, and specifics of hydraulic fracturing. Dry gas is pumped under pressure of 60–70 atm (1 atm = 0.1 MPa) from wells to underground storehouses by compressor plants set at the well mouths. It is required to determine a minimal depth of a gas collector with regard to rock pressure and hydraulic fracturing pressure. If the pressure of injection is much higher than the reservoir pressure at the collector at the minimal depth, then fractures initiate in rocks and grow up to ground surface, and gas may totally escape from the collector to the atmosphere. In case of employment of higher capacity compressors, the minimal cost dependent on the minimal storage depth increases. Evidently, a deeper located gas storage is better. Using the reservoir pressure values determined in the gas wells, an isobaric map is plotted by the triangle-wise technique, and an average scattered reservoir pressure is determined. On the basis of values of rock pressure and hydraulic fracturing pressure, the minimal allowable injection depth is determined for gas storing.

Ключевые слова Underground gas storage, tectonic conditions, indicator diagram, reservoir pressure, strata porosity, strata permeability
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