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ArticleName Study of the influence of blast humidity on the reduction processes performance in blast furnace smelting
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.07.06
ArticleAuthor P. I. Chernousov, O. V. Golubev, S. V. Myasoedov, A. N. Uzunova

National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia
P. I. Chernousov, Cand. Eng., Aassociate Prof., Dept. of Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:
O. V. Golubev, Cand. Eng., Aassociate Prof., Dept. of Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:

A. N. Uzunova, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Energy Efficient and Resource Saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:


Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, Lipetsk, Russia
S. V. Myasoedov, Head of the Blast Furnace Shop, e-mail:


A topical area of research in blast furnace smelting is the study of reducing processes. A brief chronology of the development of the theory of the blast furnace process by scientists of the Department of Iron Metallurgy of MISIS (1919–1943, 1962–2006 – “Ore-thermal processes”, then – “Extraction and recycling of ferrous metals” and “Energy-efficient resource-saving industrial technologies”) is given. Using the modern methodology of studying big data, the following were analyzed. performance indicators of NLMK’s blast furnaces Nos. 4, 6 and 7 for 2013–2018, analysis of the obtained results shows a high degree of correlation between the blast moisture content and the degree of development of direct reduction processes both in the case of using only natural gas as a blast additive and in the case of combined use of natural gas and PCI. A seasonal increase/decrease in blast moisture by 1 g/m3 corresponded to a decrease/increase in the degree of development of direct reduction processes rd (according to Pavlov) by 0.5–1.5 % (relative).

keywords Blast furnace smelting, reduction processes, blast moisture, combined blast, pulverized coal fuel, degree of development of direct reduction processes

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