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ArticleName Dialectical mechanism of improvement of rock breaking tool
DOI 10.17580/em.2024.01.14
ArticleAuthor Prokopenko S. A., Ravochkin N. N., Shadrin V. G., Kolotov S. A.

LLC «Siberian Mining Industrialists», Kemerovo, Russia1LLC MP «Power of Siberia», Kemerovo, Russia2

Prokopenko S. A.1,2, Leading Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,

Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia1Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy, Kemerovo, Russia2

Ravochkin N. N.1,2, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences


Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia

Shadrin V. G., Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences


LLC MP «Power of Siberia», Kemerovo, Russia1 ; N. A. Chinakal Institute of Mining Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia2

Kolotov S. A., Post-Graduate Student2, Chief Executive Officer1


The review and analysis of the process of the rock breaking tool improvement from the primeval age and to the present day enabled disclosing and substantiating dialectical opposites and identifying contradictions between them, which defined evolution of the tool through its history. The essence of the notion of a cutting pick is revealed as a material concentration of destructive energy. The determined hierarchy of dialectical opposites exposes the process of the cutting pick essence materialization in a certain thing. The presented sequence of dualities and their contradictory relations is a framework of the dialectical mechanism of the rock breaking tool improvement. The qualities of a rock breaking tool and the dialectical opposites, which govern these qualities, are identified. The logic of enduing the tool with qualities is revealed, starting from the effectiveness, i.e. actual feasibility of destruction of a matter by another matter, up to the implementation of this function better than other rival tools, i.e. competitive ability. In terms of the dual structure–design pair of a cutting pick, the process of resolution of contradictions between them, which transfers their interaction to a next engineering level, is discussed. Participation of the three laws of dialectic in the process of design improvement of cutting picks for mining shearers is described. The recent trends of change in the qualities of the rock breaking tool and the results of the tool operation display new inconsistencies and define directions for the further research.

keywords Mine shearer, rock breaking tool, cutting pick, dialectical opposites, contradiction, essence, thing, development, mechanism, improvement, duality

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