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ArticleName Study of geodynamic processes in mineral mining using quasi-geoid based on wavelet analysis
DOI 10.17580/em.2024.01.08
ArticleAuthor Kassymkanova Kh. M., Malinnikova O. N., Nurakynov S. M., Turekhanova V. B.

Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Kassymkanova Kh. M., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources–IPKON, Moscow, Russia

Malinnikova O. N., Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Institute of Ionosphere, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Nurakynov S. M., Head of Institute


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Turekhanova V. B., Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree,


This article offers proposals on the geoid model grid output format to ensure convenient application of the data in investigation of geodynamic processes during underground mining. With a view to improving the national geoid model, it is proposed to use the data of the detail general coverage gravimetric survey of the area of the country. These data are obtained within a reasonable time using the airborn gravimetry technology. The research findings allow creating a set of computer programs to implement the developed procedure in terms of the experimental data processing and to prove the usability of the procedure for the preliminary modeling of the geoid for the area of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The study was supported by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Grant No. BR 21882366.

keywords Geodynamic processes, physical geodesy, coordinate systems, gravitational field, geoid, quasi-geoid, gravimetric height, modeling, coordinate transformation, regulation method

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