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ArticleName The use of mining and metallurgy waste in manufacture of building materials
DOI 10.17580/em.2024.01.04
ArticleAuthor Begentayev M. M., Nurpeisova M. B., Fedotenko V. S., Bek A. A.

Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Begentayev M. M., Member of the Board, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Nurpeisova M. B., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Bek A. A., Senior Lecturer, Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree

Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources– IPKON, Moscow, Russia

Fedotenko V. S., Deputy Director of Scientific Work, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


This article describes R&D connected with the technology of production of building materials using waste of the mining and metallurgical industry. The subject of research are mill tailings, as well as backfill and reinforcement mixtures with and without addition of tailings. The object of research are physical and mechanical properties, and features of curing of the test mixtures in the conditions of natural humidity. The characteristics of the initial materials, compositions of backfill and reinforcement mixtures, and their physical and mechanical properties were determined using standard techniques, and the physicochemical properties were identified from the X-ray diffraction analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Phases were specified on diffraction device DRON-3M, and the chemical analysis used X-ray fluorescent spectrometer EDX-8000. The granulometry was determined using three methods: sieve analysis by multifrequency screener MSA W/D-200 Kroosh Technologies Ltd.; diffraction analysis by laser particle size analyzer Helos-KR with Quixel add-on; dispersion analysis by a dry powder dispersion unit. Toward the industrial and ecological safety, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of waste from some large mines in Kazakhstan are described, and the environmental damage of the mining industry waste is investigated and taken into account. Mill tailings of a processing plant of a mining company in the Republic of Kazakhstan are analyzed. Some technologies are proposed to manufacture dry building mixtures and aerated concrete using mineral processing waste. The use of manmade mineral feedstock in manufacture of dry building mixtures and aerated concrete allows total substitution of carbonate and silica components, and saves consumption of Portland cement. The technical and economic effect of application of the developed compositions as masonry, finishing and polymeric materials for the building industry of Kazakhstan totals 329–2700 Tenge/mof mixture. The technology of no cement porous concrete manufacture uses a binder represented by burnt and ground lime from furnacing of carbonate-bearing waste. The binder is used jointly with a silica component — tailings of rare metal and complex ore processing, containing silicon dioxide. The technology of manufacture of aerated concrete using tailings is aimed at achieving: required thermal–insulating properties at the average dry density not higher than 500 kg/m3, structural–thermal–insulating properties at the average dry density of 500–900 kg/m3 and structural properties at the average dry density of 900–1200 kg/m3.

This study was supported by the Ministry of Science of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Grant No. ВR21882292 Integrated Development of Sustainable Building Industry: Technological Innovations, Production Optimization, Efficient Resources Use and Technology Park Creation.

keywords Mining and metallurgy waste, ecological risks, mineral mining, open pit, underground mine, concentration plant, jointing, fractures, rock falls, reinforcement, mining waste, building materials

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Full content The use of mining and metallurgy waste in manufacture of building materials