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ArticleName Review of technology for hydrometallurgical processing of lateritic nickel ores over the past 20 years in the world
DOI 10.17580/nfm.2024.01.03
ArticleAuthor Mamyrbayeva K. K., Kuandykova A. N., Chepushtanova T. A., Merkibayev Y. S.

Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

K. K. Mamyrbayeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department “Metallurgical Processes, Heat Engineering and Technology of Special Materials”, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, e-mail:
A. N. Kuandykova*, Master's Degree, Ph.D. Student of Department “Metallurgical Processes, Heat Engineering and Technology of Special Materials”, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, e-mail:
T. A. Chepushtanova, Ph.D.,Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Department “Metallurgical Processes, Heat
Engineering and Technology of Special Materials”, Associate Professor, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, e-mail:
Y. S. Merkibayev*, Ph.D., Head of Laboratories of Department “Metallurgical Processes, Heat Engineering and Technology
of Special Materials”, Mining and Metallurgical Institute, e-mail:

*Correspondence author.


In recent years, there has been an increased demand for nickel-cobalt-containing batteries, which in turn adds a lot of interest in the production of these metals in large volumes. Due to a contraction of the volume of nickel sulfide ores, the majority of producers consider laterite deposits as a potential source of nickel and cobalt. However, processing laterites by traditional pyrometallurgical methods is economically unprofitable. Research has shown that the use of combined and hydrometallurgical methods can be promising. This article is devoted to a review of the results of research and articles on the extraction of nickel and cobalt from laterite ores over the past 20 years. Current technological schemes for the production of nickel and cobalt using combined manufacturing processes are presented, as well as the results of scientific research on increasing the recovery degree of nickel and cobalt from low-grade refractory laterite ores using preliminary activating roasting, various leaching reagents, oxidizing agents, bacteria, etc. Growing interest in nickel production has also been observed in Kazakhstan and research work on the extraction of target metals from local laterite ores is being intensively carried out. According to the investors’ forecast, the first mining in the republic and full commissioning of nickel production are expected in 2025.

This study was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant no. AP19680477).

keywords Leaching, nickel, cobalt, hydrometallurgy, laterites

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Full content Review of technology for hydrometallurgical processing of lateritic nickel ores over the past 20 years in the world