Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2024 →  №5 →  Назад

60th anniversary of Dept. of Materials Technology of Volgograd State Technical University
Название Influence of the value of singular reductions on stress-strain state in deformation area during drawing of steel wire in monolithic dies
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.05.08
Автор V. F. Danenko, L. M. Gurevich
Информация об авторе

Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia
V. F. Danenko, Cand Eng., Associate Prof., Deputy Head of the Dept. of Materials Technology, e-mail: omd@vstu.ru
L. M. Gurevich, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Dept. of Materials Science and Composite Materials


In this work, we investigated the influence of single reductions on the stress-strain state and the uniformity of deformation of metal layers in the cross section of the deformation area when drawing a patented wire made from steel 70 in monolithic dies along routes of 3.0 → 2.0 mm (total compression q = 55.5 %). The finite element modeling method was used. The drawing routes were developed taking into account the single reductions accepted in factory practice q = 10-25 %. A significant increase in the rigidity of the stress state pattern, assessed by the stress state indicator Kσ=σ/T, of the metal volumes of the central layers of the cone zone during drawing with an average reduction of q = 15.0 % (route 1), compared with drawing with q = 23.7 % has been established (route 2), which is explained by the high level of tensile stresses on the axis of the cone zone. An increase in the intensity of the degree of longitudinal deformation of the peripheral layers at the exit of the cone zone is shown, which is associated with a violation of the monotonous nature of the metal flow during the transition from the cone to the gauge zone of the die. At the same time, for route 2, in contrast to route 1, the difference in the intensity values of the degree of longitudinal deformation of the central and peripheral layers is minimal, which helps to obtain more uniform properties over the cross section and reduce the magnitude of residual stresses after drawing with an increase in single reduction. It is shown that a decrease in single compression at the last transition from the value q = 23.7 % to q = 10.0 % with the same total reduction led to an increase in tensile longitudinal residual stresses on the surface of the wire by 1.6 times, which is associated with an increase in shear strains with an increase in the number of transitions.

Ключевые слова Drawing, monolithic draw, wire, single reduction, deformation zone, finite element modeling, central and peripheral layers, stress state indicator, intensity of deformation degree, uniformity of deformation, residual stresses
Библиографический список

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