Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №4 →  Назад

Название Gold content of the Daghkesaman pyrite–polymetallic ore deposit (Lesser Caucasus)
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.04.13
Автор Guseinov G. S., Efendiyeva Z. J.
Информация об авторе

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Baku, Azerbaijan

G. S. Guseinov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Z. J. Efendiyeva, Professor, Doctor of Sciences, zarifa.afandiyeva@asoiu.edu.az


The gold content of ores at the Daghkesaman pyrite–polymetallic deposit is considered. Gold is found in the intergrowth of the main late sulfide minerals (sphalerite, galena), and sometimes it is observed inside chalcopyrite. The distribution of noble minerals (Au, Ag) in various mineral associations and monomineral fractions of the main sulfide minerals (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite) is also studied. In various types of ores and monomineral fractions of the main late sulfide minerals (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite), gold is distributed unevenly. The gold–silver content of wall rocks, various ore types and within different horizons is analyzed. The results show that the Au:Ag ratio steadily increases from low grades to high grades of ore. The increased concentrations of gold and silver in the main late sulfide minerals (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite) also confirm the above-said. In addition, it is found that on deep horizons (512 and 400 m, mine 1), with the decrease in the content of noble metals (Au, Ag), the content of nonferrous metals also decreases. The obtained regularities are of great practical importance for assessing the gold content depth-wise a mineral deposit. The Au:Ag ratio is also treated as a geochemical indicator of mineralization. The behavior of the Au: Ag ratio is investigated on the surface, in each of the identified mineral associations, as well as on different hypsometric levels on the horizons of 544 and 512 m.

Ключевые слова Gold deposits, Daghkesaman, gold content, gold distribution, mineral associations, Au:Ag ratio, noble metals
Библиографический список

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