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ArticleName Mining and processing of chrysotile-bearing ore
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.04.05
ArticleAuthor Punenkov S. E., Kozlov Yu. S., Punenkov N. S.

Uralasbest, Asbest, Russia

S. E. Punenkov, Chief Production Engineer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Yu. S. Kozlov, Student


Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
N. S. Punenkov, Student


The current condition of mining and processing in the chrysotile asbestos industry in the CIS countries is analyzed. Russia and Kazakhstan jointly supply more than 800 thousand tons of the mineral per year to the international market. The manufacturers of this type of product in Russia and Kazakhstan are discussed individually. The producers and markets of chrysotile asbestos in other countries are listed. The technique, equipment and technology of extraction and processing of chrysotile asbestos ores are considered. The chemical composition, characteristics, properties and application areas of chrysotile asbestos fiber are given. Currently, at chrysotile asbestos mining and processing plants in Russia and Kazakhstan, the cyclic-flow technology is used. The development scheme applied at chrysotile asbestos deposits at each process stage provides the minimum haulage distance and, accordingly, the minimum costs of rock transportation given secure interlinking with the lower horizons at the bench height of 15 meters. The choice of the open mining method is governed by the cost of stripping and mining at asbestos pits (3 or more times cheaper than in the underground method). The classification of produced commercial chrysotile asbestos by grades and groups is given, and their differences are described. The chrysotile asbestos industry is fruitfully implementing new development strategies—introduction of scientific and technological innovations, modernization and diversification of production. This allows the industry to successfully confront the modern challenges of the market economy and to meet the varied market demands. Furthermore, the chrysotile asbestos industry swimmingly adapts digitalization of production, modern automation tools and information technologies, which exercises a salutary influence over the level of production efficiency. The methods of technological processes are also changing, the operating modes are improving, modern equipment is being introduced.

keywords Chrysotile asbestos, content, fractional composition, groups, grades, classification, mining and processing equipment, properties, export supplies

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