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To 75th anniversary of Sergey Zhulyev, founder of the scientific school of materials technology in Volgograd state technical university
ArticleName Experimental and computational study of the temperature field in a bloom heated for plastic deformation using physical modeling
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.10.12
ArticleAuthor O. B. Kryuchkov, P. I. Malenko, L. G. Saranin, A. E. Boldyrev

Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia

O. B. Kryuchkov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Materials Technology, e-mail:


Tula State University, Tula, Russia
P. I. Malenko, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, e-mail:
L. G. Saranin, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
A. E. Boldyrev, Master's Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science


When heating billets stacked in several layers in a chamber furnace, there is a danger of uneven heating, which increases the duration of exposure. As a rule, the actual temperature of the heated metal is difficult to control, and the heating mode is carried out using furnace thermocouples, which often do not show the correct picture of the process.Thus, knowledge of the temperature distribution over the cross-section of the heated blanks will contribute to obtaining a suitable high–quality billet, help optimize the temperature regime, and ultimately increase the productivity of the furnace, reduce fuel and electricity consumption. In this paper, a study of the temperature field in a single 15.5-ton bloom made of steel 35 heated in a chamber electric furnace was carried out using physical modelingTo calculate the temperature and time scales of modeling, methods were used to determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity, and the density of silicate bricks was also calculated. To determine the thermophysical parameters of heating the sample and model, as well as the coefficients of heat transfer by radiation and convection, the MathConnex mathematical package (part of MathCad Pro) was used. As a result of the work carried out, the model heating mode was experimentally obtained and the data obtained were recalculated to the sample, as a result of which it was found that in the elastic heating region the actual temperature drop along the bloom cross section was 165.79 °C, which is less than acceptable; the temperature drop in the sample at the end of heating before plastic deformation was 53.49 °C. Data on the change in the temperature drop over the cross-section of the model over time are obtained.

keywords Bloom heating under metal pressure treatment, physical modeling, temperature field, similarity criteria, geometric, temperature, time scale modeling

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