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85th anniversary of the dept. of Mechanics and Machine-building of Siberian state industrial university
ArticleName Study of the smooth running of a geared single-moving flat planetary mechanism when using a balanced carrier design
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.10.08
ArticleAuthor L. N. Gudimova, I. A. Serebryakov

Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Russia

L. N. Gudimova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, e-mail:
I. A. Serebryakov, Graduate Student


At the present time, the study of planetary mechanisms is topical. The object of this work was a single-moving planetary mechanism, in which the carrier is made in the form of two half-rings and the carrier is a balancer. Studies were made of two different forms of carrier, carrierbalancer and carrier-lever. The study was carried out using the method of comparison and analysis of practical studies on a laboratory diagnostic stand of two types of carriers for a planetary gearbox. The findings indicate that the design of the carrier-balancer provides a smoother gearing. The argumentative data of this fact is displayed by the presence of a harmonic type of oscillations on the oscillogram in comparison with the noise-like type of oscillations of the carrier-lever. With an increase in engine speed over 120 rpm, the oscillogram during the analysis of the carrier-balancer visualizes slight fluctuations, which indicates inaccuracies in the manufacture of gear wheels of the planetary mechanism and the absence of rolling bearings on the shafts. But even despite this, the voltage change indicators have smaller fluctuations when using a carrier-balancer compared to a carrier-lever, which proves the rationality of using a carrier-balancer when designing planetary gearboxes of a new generation.

keywords Planetary reducer, mobility of the mechanism, satellite, driver-balancer, driver-arm, rotation frequency, stress, oscillogram, balancing without taking into account deformations and change of centre-to-centre distance; longitudinal and height modification of tooth profiles

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