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85th anniversary of the dept. of Mechanics and Machine-building of Siberian state industrial university
ArticleName Creation of a self-aligning mechanism structure for metallurgical shears with parallel knives
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.10.07
ArticleAuthor L. N. Gudimova

Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Russia

L. N. Gudimova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, e-mail:


In rolling production, when cutting hot rolled products of various profiles, shears with parallel knives are widely used, which ensure the invariance of the plane of movement of the knives during the cutting process. A significant drawback of the structural diagrams of all existing crank-lever scissors is the use of hinges when connecting links (parts). In such joints, when assembling the mechanism, due to inaccuracies in the manufacture of parts and limited mobility (the hinge has only one possible movement in the plane, namely rotation around one of the axes), all links are additionally loaded with bending moments. This leads to the fact that when determining the energy intensity of the production cycle, it is necessary to take into account the energy costs to overcome the harmful forces of resistance. In addition, the lack of mobility causes additional wear at the joints of the parts. One of the modern tasks in the creation of mechanisms for the metallurgical industry is the task aimed at reducing the operational energy intensity of rolling mills, increasing the reliability and durability of wear parts. The paper proposes a method that allows you to create the structure of a multilink mechanism for cutting metal with parallel knives, with optimal energy consumption by eliminating the lack of mobility in kinematic pairs when connecting links.

keywords Redundant couplings, mobility, kinematic couples, mobility deficit, self-aligning mechanism, three-movement coupling

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