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85th anniversary of the dept. of Mechanics and Machine-building of Siberian state industrial university
ArticleName Calculation of deformation of elastic pneumatic elements under impact load
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.10.05
ArticleAuthor A. G. Nikitin, V. N. Berezhansky

Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Russia
A. G. Nikitin, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, e-mail:
V. N. Berezhansky, Master's Student, e-mail:


In the drives of many metallurgical machines, lever mechanisms are used, which have a significant disadvantage, which is that their workability is ensured by hinges having clearances in kinematic pairs, due to which additional dynamic shock forces arise during operation. In order to reduce the harmful effect of dynamic loads on the operation of machines, vibration protection systems with damping elastic elements are widely used, which deform during operation. In order to prevent the occurrence of deformations exceeding the permissible values and disrupting the normal operation of the machine, it is necessary to first calculate the value of the deformation that occurs under the influence of an external force. The aim of the work is to study the process of deformation of an elastic pneumatic element under shock load. A method has been developed for calculating the maximum deformation of an elastic pneumatic element made in the form of a cylinder with limited axial and tangential deformation under the impact application of an external force under conditions of absolutely elastic and absolutely inelastic impact. It is established that in the case of an absolutely inelastic impact, the deformation is less than in the case of an absolutely elastic impact. Experimental studies of pneumatic devices of the elastic cylinder type with limited axial and tangential deformation under the impact application of an external force have shown that the discrepancy between the experimental results with the theoretical dependencies obtained is less than 8 %.

keywords Vibration, damper, elastic element, external force, overpressure, deformation, stiffness

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Language of full-text russian
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