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ArticleName Production of silver nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid and their potential use in medicine
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2023.09.05
ArticleAuthor Zharikov V. M., Gorbatyuk S. M., Nagovitsyn V. A., Shinkarev A. S.

National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia:

V. M. Zharikov, Department of Production Equipment Engineering, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail:
S. M. Gorbatyuk, Department of Production Equipment Engineering, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail:
V. A. Nagovitsyn, Department of Production Equipment Engineering, Assistant Lecturer, e-mail:
A. S. Shinkarev, Department of Production Equipment Engineering, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail:


The authors of this paper use a report by the World Health Organization, which stresses the concern about uncontrolled use of antibiotics, to reason in favour of a widespread use of silver nanoparticles. The paper presents a chronological order of research studies that looked at the biological properties of silver. The authors stress the need for silver ions to be present in the daily human diet and at the same time point out the hazard of exceeding the maximum allowable concentration of silver in the human body. Considering the antimicrobial and antiviral properties of this metal, the paper gives some examples of its possible use for medical protective equipment, general-purpose plastic items, as well as for the production of chemical fiber with antibacterial and antiviral properties. A method of laser ablation in liquid is given as an example of the process for obtaining a solution containing nanoparticles of silver. It is a universal method and can be used in a wide range of changed impact (laser emission spectrum, exposure time, pulse energy) and environmental conditions, also by way of selecting the right solvent. Due to its high performance and high pulse repetition rate, copper vapour laser offers the most convenient tool to implement laser ablation in liquid. The available commercial laser model of Kulon-10M can produce up to 60 litres of solution with silver nanoparticles per hour. The paper also describes ways to optimize the nanoparticle in solution production process and raise its performance by using additional solvent tanks and introducing automatic drain and fill valves.

keywords Protective equipment, nanoparticles, copper vapour laser, laser ablation in liquid, solution, antibacterial properties, silver, pulse, emission spectrum

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