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ArticleName Application prospects for nonconventional improvers for vegetation cover in reclamation areas
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.09.11
ArticleAuthor Rudzish E. R., Petrova T. A.

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

E. R. Rudzish, Assistant at Geoecology Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
T. A. Petrova, Associate Professor at Geoecology Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The main problem in disturbed land reclamation in solid mineral mining is the large-scale transformation of soils and plants. Due to the intense deformation, the landscape restoration is complicated by a low thickness of layers of poor soils (or manmade soils) with a low content of organic matter. For effective reclamation, it is necessary to create conditions for the selfreplenishing biogenic accumulation of organic substances—sustainable soil and vegetation cover. As a solution, it is proposed to use a non-conventional organic soil improver—sewage sludge from the pulp and paper industry. The purpose of the study is to ascertain applicability of the proposed non-conventional improver for the formation of vegetation cover in reclamation areas disturbed as a result of mining activities. In the course of the study, the following characteristics of the proposed organic soil improver were evaluated: the composition, the potential prolonged effect, and the effect on the early growth and development of plants. The results of the composition analysis show a high content of organic matter, organic carbon, and an increased C: N ratio, from which it is concluded that the improver has the prolonged effect. The results of early plant growth were obtained in phytotesting of monocots—rye Secale cereale L. and oats Avena sativa L., and dicots—watercress Lepidium sativum L. and white mustard Sinapis alba L. It is found that sewage sludge introduced in soil in rational doses has no phytotoxic effect on the vegetation cover being formed, while shots of sludge stimulate the growth and development of sprouts and roots of the tested plants.

keywords Sewage sludge, industrial sludge, waste recycling, disturbed lands, seed germination.

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