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10th anniversary of the department of Design Engineering and Operation of Metallurgical Machines and Equipment of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
ArticleName Prediction of durability of a drum pelletizer based on the strength criterion of non-driven support rollers at the design and operation stage
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.09.11
ArticleAuthor M. G. Slobodyansky

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia:
M. G. Slobodyansky, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Design and Operation of Metallurgical Machines and Equipment, e-mail:


The article shows that after the reconstruction of the 2.8x10 drum-type pelletizer operated in the conditions of the mining and processing production of PJSC MMK, aimed at increasing productivity by changing the volume of pelletized material, its unscheduled failures are observed due to the axis breakdown of the non-driven roller along the fillet in location of the bearings. At the design and operation stages the known approaches to evaluating the performance of drum pelletizers do not allow to evaluate their durability indicators without any additional laboratory or industrial tests. In this regard, an analytical method has been developed for predicting the average resource of drum pelletizers by the strength criterion of non-driven track rollers, which is based on the basic theoretical provisions of the physical reliability theory of machine parts and the kinetic destruction concept of solids. At the design and operation stage the given method allows to take into account the durability impact of loading conditions, physical and mechanical characteristics of materials, as well as the temperature of the object under study. As part of the proposed approach, the Autodesk Inventor Nastran and Abaqus computer-aided design systems is used to assess the stress-strain state of the most loaded elements of a non-driven roller. On the basis of the developed methodology, the article presents an algorithm for the analytical calculation of the durability indicators of a pelletizer according to the strength criterion of a non-driven roller, which is displayed in the form of a block diagram and allows you to gradually evaluate its average resource and the possibility of operation under simulated conditions. Additionally, the proposed methodology verification was carried out by comparing the results of calculating the average resource of the structure under study with the data on the time between failures obtained during the operation process. The prediction error does not exceed 9%, which indicates a sufficient reliability level of the proposed theoretical solutions.

keywords Prediction, durability, strength criterion, repair cycle, resource, pelletizer, operation, strength

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