Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2023 →  №4 →  Назад

Название Development of technologies for the manufacture of crushed stone in the period of restoration and reforming of the Soviet economy (1945–50s)
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.04.09
Автор Kameneva E. E., Kamenev E. V.
Информация об авторе

Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russia):

Kameneva E. E., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, elena.kameneva@mail.ru
Kamenev E. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, ev.kamenev@yandex.ru


The paper studies the technology of crushed stone manufacture in the USSR in the period of restoration and reforming of the Soviet economy (1945–1950s) from the historical and scientific perspective. Relevant research in mining, published by Soviet scientists in the period of interest, and regulatory documents on the quality of crushed stone were used as reference materials for the study. It is shown that the higher crushed stone outputs and the increasing focus on its quality were associated with the development of the heavy industry, active industrial and civil construction, and expansion of the railway network in the period. The relevant requirements for the quality of crushed stone have been studied. An analysis of applicable state standards shows that the test methods used generally correspond to the current approaches. It has been established that the development of new requirements for the quality of crushed stone brought about improved manufacturing technologies, based on comprehensive process mechanization in the mining and processing of rocks. It is shown that, during the period of interest, general design principles for crushing systems and relevant industrial techniques were developed to ensure the required quality of all crushed stone manufactured and that new standard processes were proposed and recommended for industrial application, based on the use of domestic crushing equipment. This was accompanied by continuous scientific research into the crushed stone manufacturing technology. A great contribution in this area was made by L. B. Levenson and G. M. Klyuev.

Ключевые слова History of mining, crushed stone manufacture, crushed stone quality, crushing, crushers, post-war period
Библиографический список

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