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ArticleName Impregnation of carbon graphite with aluminum alloy. Part 2
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2023.07.05
ArticleAuthor Tsurikhin S. N., Gulevsky V. A., Miroshkin N. Yu., Kidalov N. A.

Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia:

S. N. Tsurikhin, Associate Professor, Chair for Foundry Machinery and Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences
N. Yu. Miroshkin, Head of Laboratory, Chair for Foundry Machinery and Technology, e-mail:
N. A. Kidalov, Head of the Chair for Foundry Machinery and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Volgograd Industrial College, Volgograd, Russia:

V. A. Gulevsky, Lecturer, Candidate of Technical Sciences


A study of the redistribution of chemical elements of the alloy in a composite material based on a carbon-graphite framework impregnated with an aluminum alloy of the Al – Mg – Zn – Cu system by a non-autoclave method at a temperature of 800 оC is presented. The processes occurring between the components of the used aluminum alloy and its interaction with the carbongraphite framework were studied using the Thermo-Calc software package from Thermo-Calc Software AB (Sweden), which implements numerical simulation of phase equilibrium using the CALPHAD method. The performed calculations made it possible to create a theoretical model that showed that during the infiltration time of 20 min and at a temperature of 800 oC, there is no interaction between carbon graphite and an aluminum alloy of the Al – Mg – Zn – Cu system with the precipitation of carbides. In this case, the predominance of intermetallic phases is observed. When mapping the distribution of chemical elements of the alloy in a pore filled with metal, it was found that a zone with a high content of magnesium and copper was formed along the pore boundary, which indicates the interaction of these elements. In the process of impregnation, the copper coating dissolves in the aluminum alloy and extends into its composition, while precipitation of intermetallic compounds consisting of aluminum, magnesium and copper is possible, which form a “barrier” that limits the diffusion interaction of the aluminum melt with carbon, suppressing the formation of an undesirable carbide phase Al4C3. In addition, the presence of compounds with titanium (Ti9Al23), which extends into the alloy`s composition in the process of liquid-phase interaction with the material of an impregnation device, was revealed. The X-ray diffraction analysis of the composite confirmed the presence of intermetallic phases, while carbide phases were not found out, in particular, Al4C3 was not detected.
The study was carried out with the financial support of Volgograd State Technical University within the framework of scientific project No. 8/466-22.

keywords Carbon graphite frame, carbon, electrochemical coatings, aluminum alloy, infiltration, impregnation, intermetallic compounds, carbides, composite material

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