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ArticleName Improvement of mining systems for sheet-like ore bodies at PIMCU
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.07.08
ArticleAuthor Tyukavkin D. A., Rogoznikov S. A.

E. P. Slavsky PIMCU, Krasnokamensk, Russia:

D. A. Tyukavkin, Head of Mining Design Department,
S. A. Rogoznikov, Chief Specialist at Mining Design Department


Efficiency of a mine largely depends on the mineral mining system, mining equipment used, on the organization and implementation of development works, stone drivage and stoping, and on the mineral extraction ratio. A brief geological description is given for the Yubileinoe deposit under operation by Mine No. 8 of the Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Association (PIMCU), where uranium mining is begun in thin sheet-like ore bodies. Two options for the preparation of isolated layers in working blocks are presented—sidetracking of an operating crosscut with transportation ramp, and sidetracking of an operating crosscut from the layer in the adjacent (neighboring) block. In this regard, sidetracking from the adjacent block is the most efficient both economically and technologically. Reducing the development cost of an extraction block (seam) is achieved by reducing the volume of the development work and stone drivage and by the operation time saving. The system of mining is single-layer stoping with backfilling. Airing of an extraction block is due to the general mine depression. To reduce radon release from rocks, shotcrete or Teflex polymer coating is applied in ventilation crosscuts and drifts. Stoping operations in Mine No. 8 use load-haul-dumpers PD-2E, LH-203, Argo L140B and XLPD. Drilling equipment is LKR1U, LKR-T3 expansion-type drills, PP-54, PP-63 perforators (or similar machines that meet the requirements of operation), drill carriages UBSH-201, UBSH-221, Minibur, etc. The constant search for ways to improve mining technologies and to increase efficiency of operation in complex-structured and thin uranium seams allow PIMCU to advance production in modern economic conditions.

keywords Yubileinoe deposit, development works and stoping, transportation ramp, mining system, crosscut, drift, load–haul–dumpers and drilling machines

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