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ArticleName Research of the staged iron ore concentrate recovery regimes with a change in the orematerial composition
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.03.01
ArticleAuthor Opalev A. S., Alekseeva S. A., Cherezov A. A.

Mining Institute of Kola Science Centre RAS (Apatity, Russia):

Opalev A. S., Vice Director for Sciences, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
Alekseeva S. A., Senior Researcher,
Cherezov A. A., Leading Engineer,


In order to improve the grade of iron ore concentrates for ores of various material compositions of the Zaimandrovskaya deposit group, a scientific and methodological substantiation was prepared for establishing the optimal ore preparation regimes when implementing the staged concentrate recovery technology using magnetic-gravity separation. The studies included analyses of mineralogical and technological features of raw materials, closed-cycle grindability tests with different screening sizes, and magnetic-gravity separation tests using the products obtained. Three varieties of magnetite ores of the Zaimandrovskaya ore field (ordinary ores, low-grade ores with a high content of silicates, and magnetite-hematite ores) were used as an example to substantiate the optimal ore preparation regimes when implementing the above technology. The screening size options were 0.1, 0.125, and 0.16 mm, as used at existing production facilities. It has been shown that the maximum specific performance for the newly formed class of –0.071 mm and the lowest specific grinding costs are, in all cases, achieved when using the grain size of 0.125 mm. At the same time, the mass fraction of the –0.071 mm class in the finished grinding product is 55–57 %, and the magnetite liberation exceeds 80%. Subsequent magnetic-gravity separation of such a product yields high-grade concentrates with a mass fraction of Fetot of approximately 71 % for all ore varieties. The Fetot recoveries into the concentrate were 86–89 % for the magnetite ores and around 70 % for the magnetite-hematite ores.

keywords Iron ore concentrate, staged concentrate recovery, fine screening, magnetic-gravity separation, grinding, processing efficiency

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