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Coating and Composite Materials
ArticleName Method for recovery of bimetal operated in extreme conditions
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.05.10
ArticleAuthor S. V. Dobrovolsky, Yu. I. Glukhovskaya, A. S. Myakochin, V. A. Glukhov

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia:

S. V. Dobrovolsky, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Rocket and Space Systems Operation Management, e-mail:
Yu. I. Glukhovskaya, Engineer, Dept. of Aerospace Heat Engineering
A. S. Myakochin, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Dept. of Aerospace Heat Engineering


Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia:
V. A. Glukhov, Cand. Eng., Rector’s Council Advisor, e-mail:


The use of carbon and stainless steel bimetals in structural elements, in the manufacture of ship hulls and other products expands the range of their operating conditions. Thus, the use of carbon steel cladding with stainless steel makes it possible to ensure the operation of the product obtained from this material in conditions of intense erosion and corrosion wear. At the same time, the impact of operating conditions on the stainless steel layer leads to its thinning, changes the surface roughness. The paper considers a method for restoring the clad layer using a low-temperature gas-dynamic method. The advantages of the method for protecting the underwater part of marine infrastructure structures (berths, terminals, oil storage facilities), as well as the hulls of icebreakers operating in ice conditions, from corrosion and erosion wear are given. An experimental installation is presented on which stainless steel was applied to a surface simulating the hull of a vessel subjected to erosion and corrosion wear. The results of the study of the obtained material and the parameters of the heterogeneous flow to obtain the desired properties are presented.

keywords Bimetal, erosion and corrosion wear, high-speed heterogeneous flows, protective coatings, low-temperature gas dynamic method, metal powder, surface roughness

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