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Coating and Composite Materials
ArticleName The use of electrothermal treatment for modification of electrochemical iron - boron carbide composites
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.05.09
ArticleAuthor Yu. E. Kisel, A. V. Kolomeichenko, V. B. Deev, N. Yu. Dudareva

Bryansk State Agrarian University, Bryansk, Russia1 ; Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering, Bryansk, Russia2:

Yu. E. Kisel, Dr. Eng., Associate Prof., Prof., Dept. of Electrical Equipment and Electrotechnologies1, Dept. of General Technical Disciplines and Physics2, e-mail:

Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engine Institute "NAMI", Moscow, Russia:
A. V. Kolomeichenko, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of Advanced Technologies Dept., Center for Agricultural Engineering, e-mail:


Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolai Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia1 ; National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Moscow, Russia2:
V. B. Deev, Dr. Eng., Chief Researcher1, Prof., Dept. of Metal Forming2, e-mail:


Ufa University of Science and Technology (UUNiT), Ufa, Russia:
N. Yu. Dudareva, Dr. Eng., Associate Prof., Prof., Dept. of Internal Combustion Engines, e-mail:


The results of studying the effect of electrothermal treatment on physical and mechanical properties of composite electrochemical coatings consisting of a matrix (electrolytic iron) and solid cermet dispersed fillers (oxides, carbides, borides) are presented. Electrothermal treatment was carried out on an induction hardening unit with high-frequency currents. The structure and mechanical properties of samples were studied after they were heated to various temperatures in the range of 200–1200 °C. The tensile strength, abrasive wear resistance, and microhardness of the samples were studied by standard methods. The dynamics of phase changes in the coating was studied using a derivatograph. The microstructure of the composite was studied from photographs of microsections obtained at various magnifications. When analyzing the results obtained, the nature of the change in the structure and mechanical properties of composites in different temperature regions of the above temperature range was considered. An analysis of the experimental data made it possible to establish a change in the structure and mechanical properties of composites as a result of electrothermal treatment, which leads to an increase in strength and wear resistance. It is revealed that the thermal effect has an optimization character.
The work was carried out within the framework of the state task in the field of scientific activity of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (subject FZUN-2020-0015, state task of VlGU).

keywords Сomposite electrochemical coatings, composite materials, heterogeneous materials, internal stresses, strength, microhardness, wear resistance, structure

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