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55 years of the Department of Rolling and Drawing Production of the Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G. I. Nosov
ArticleName Development of the scientific basics of standardization and quality management of hardware metal products for different application
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.05.06
ArticleAuthor M. A. Polyakova, K. G. Pivovarova

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia:

M. A. Polyakova, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Materials Processing Technologies, Associate Prof., e-mail:
K. G. Pivovarova, Dr. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Materials Processing Technologies, Associate Prof., e- mail:


The article notes that development of the scientific basics of standardization follows the direction to formalize the key aspects of the working-out the regulatory and/or technical documentation. According to a new scientific direction called “protypology” the stages of development and harmonization of the requirements in standards should be based on establishing a relationship between customer functions and product properties which are presented in the relevant documentation in the form of quality indices. The use of models based on the mathematical description of the increasing and decreasing s-curve makes it possible to determine quantitatively the degree of matching both customer and manufacturer requirements for the subsequent regulation of the numerical values of these indices in standards. Criteria are formulated for the degree of conformity between the customer and manufacturer requirements taking into consideration the peculiarities to normalize the metal products quality indices in the form of nominal and interval values. To optimize the manufacturing technological processes of hardware metal products for various purposes it is proposed to use Taguchi Method. The developed criteria of technological uncertainty and technological stability make it possible to quantify existing technological processes. The obtained calculation results constitute the basics for development of new technological processes for hardware metal products manufacturing or improvement the existing ones. The new solutions described in the article reflect the modern trends in the development of scientific basics for metal products standardization and quality management.

keywords Standardization, quality management, hardware products, standard, mathematical model, Taguchi Method, robust design

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