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ArticleName Development of technology and equipment for the manufacture of road stone in the USSR (pre-war period)
DOI 10.17580/or.2021.03.09
ArticleAuthor Kamenev E. V., Kameneva E. E.

Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russia):

Kamenev E. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Kameneva E. E., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,


The paper covers the road stone manufacturing history and the development of related quality requirements in the pre-war USSR. The chronological framework of the study is limited between 1922 (USSR foundation year) and 1941 (the beginning of the Great Patriotic War). Publications on scientific research in mining and road construction released in the indicated period are used as the data source. The specified period is divided into two parts by the year of 1928, marking the beginning of industrialization in the country. The interval between 1922 and 1928 is viewed as the recovery period for the industry after the Civil War and the interval between 1928 and 1941 as the active development period. The crushing theory started to develop in the USSR during this time, founded by Professor Henryk Czeczott, founder and first director of the Mekhanobr Institute (1920–1922). The increasing crushed stone output led to the mechanization of related manufacturing processes. This, in turn, boosted the development of the Soviet mining technology: as early as in the 1930s, the USSR was already organizing the manufacture of domestic crushers to replace the initially used foreign-made crushing equipment. The improved crushed stone technology and equipment required standards to assess the quality of the stone materials manufactured. The necessary laboratory tests were being discussed; the requirements for the stone materials used as road stone were formulated. These changes were mainly driven by the increased demand for high-grade crushed stone and higher production volumes due to the industrialization in the country and the development of the road network and road transportations.

keywords Сrushed stone, USSR, pre-war period, manufacturing technology and equipment, quality indicators

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Language of full-text russian
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