ArticleName | The practice of geological mapping of the Zhdanov deposit ores in the Kola peninsula |
DOI | 10.17580/tsm.2020.12.06 |
ArticleAuthor | Kravtsova O. A., Maksimov V. I., Lebedeva A. A., Koptev K. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Gipronikel Institute LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia: O. A. Kravtsova, Supervisor at the Laboratory for Geological Studies of Raw Materials, Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy Sciences, e-mail:
Kola MMC, Zapolyarny, Murmansk Region, Russia: |
Abstract | Geological mapping is included in each stage of geological prospecting. How detailed and consistent the obtained data are directly depends on how thoroughly an object has been studied. The main purpose of geological mapping is to identify areas with uniform ore and to give recovery projections. Gipronikel Institute has been engaged in such work for 30 years and has accumulated a great number of successful practices. As an example, this paper describes the results of geological mapping that was done for the Zhdanov deposit of copper-nickel sulphide ores in the Kola Peninsula. This study resulted in identifying geological types of ores (such as raw, refractory and talcose ores), which can be processed following the same process sequence but with different performance. The key differentiation criteria included the concentration of valuable components, the share of coarsely disseminated sulphides in the total amount of sulphides contained in a sample, the concentration of the easily floatable mineral — i.e. talc. Due to high variability in the material composition of striking and dipping ore bodies, the deposit has seen geological mapping conducted continuously for more than 10 years. Over that period, a database was created showing the distribution of different geological types of ore and the variability in the estimated recovery of nickel and copper, which is used for concentrator plant operations planning based on prospecting data. |
keywords | Geological mapping, material composition, processability, types, variability, projections |
References | 1. Guidelines on the application of the Mineral Resource Classification. Nickel and cobalt ores. Guidelines of the State Commission on Resources by resource type. Moscow, 2007. 33 p. |
Language of full-text | russian |
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