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ArticleName Magnetic properties of natural weakly magnetic iron oxides of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
DOI 10.17580/or.2020.05.01
ArticleAuthor Gzogyan T. N., Gzogyan S. R.

Belgorod State National Research University (Belgorod, Russia):

Gzogyan T. N., Chief of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
Gzogyan S. R., Senior Researcher,


This paper contains the results of complex studies on magnetic characteristics of a system of basic natural weakly magnetic iron oxides isolated from the oxidized ferruginous quartzites of the KMA. It has been shown that their magnetic characteristics vary over a wide range and substantially depend on the nature of the samples, i.e. represent not only physical, but also genetic characteristics. The contrast in magnetic properties inside the system exceeds the mere hydroxides/quartz contrast; therefore, it is necessary to differentiate the recovery conditions for various iron oxides. For example, the magnetic characteristics of martite and hematite behave differently in different size classes. This dependence is most noteworthy for hematite. It has been shown that, despite the relatively low mass fraction of the ferromagnet, magnetic susceptibility of natural systems of weakly magnetic iron oxides may be an important genetic and diagnostic trait, which must be taken into account when designing all respective separation technology and equipment. The problem under consideration is directly related to mineral processing and the technology must ensure the recovery of both coarse and fine highly and medium magnetic particles into the concentrate.

keywords Xidized ferruginous quartzites, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization intensity, electron microscopy, differential calorimetry, thermogravimetry, Mössbauer spectroscopy

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