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ArticleName Psychological resistance of mining students to stress factors
DOI 10.17580/em.2020.01.17
ArticleAuthor Koteneva A. V., Chelyshev P. V.

Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia:

Koteneva A. V., Professor of the Department of Scientific Bases of Extremal Psychology, Associate Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences,


National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow, Russia:

Chelyshev P. V., Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Technologies, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences


In this paper the authors study the relationship between psychological resistance of future miners to stress factors and their well-being in extreme conditions and personal qualities. The research involved 67 students aged from 18 to 25 years (average age – 19.5 years), 49 males and 18 females. The «Questionnaire of psychological resistance to stress» by E.V. Raspopin, the questionnaire «Well-being in extreme conditions» by A. Volkov, N. Vodopianova, «Psychological stress scale PSM-25» by Lemur-Thesier-Fillion and a «Brief version of the NEO PI-R questionnaire » by P. Costa, R. MacRae were used for the diagnosis of psychological characteristics. The results of correlation analysis showed that the higher the level of psychological resistance to stress factors (novelty, time deficit, uncertainty, monotony, information and physical activity, etc.), the lower the level of psychological stress and the higher emotional, volitional and vegetative stability among students. Well-being, stress level, psychological resistance to stressors and personal qualities are closely related. The results of the study can be used for psychological preparation of students for professional activities in extreme conditions in the process of training and education in higher educational institutions.

keywords Agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, stress resistance, psychological stress, conscientiousness, well-being

1. Available at: (accessed: 17.12.2018).
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