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Engineering technologies
ArticleName The study of the cutting force components when cutting threads with ceramic plates in three-jaw chucks
ArticleAuthor A. S. Yamnikov, O. A. Yamnikova, A. O. Chuprikov

Tula State University (Tula, Russia):

A. S. Yamnikov, Dr. Eng., Prof., Chair of Machine-building Technology, e-mail:


NPO “Splav” (Tula, Russia):
O. A. Yamnikova, Dr. Eng., Prof., 1st category Specialist of risk management, e-mail:


JSC “Tulsky Oruzheiny Zavod” (Tula, Russia):
A. O. Chuprikov, Cand. Eng., Head of Intellectual Property Department, e-mail:


It is noted that in advanced branches of mechanical engineering, in order to increase efficiency, high-strength materials are used, which are usually difficult to cut due to high physical and mechanical properties. It is shown that from the beginning of the XX century to this day foreign and domestic scientists pay great attention to the study of phenomena in the zone of metal cutting. The use of ceramic plates as a cutting material is promising, however, in most sources these plates are not recommended for cutting threads on workpieces made of high-strength materials due to their insufficiently high bending strength. Earlier in the literature, it was shown that by optimizing the sharpening angles of ceramic plates and applying reinforcing bevels along the front and rear surfaces, it is possible to perform thread cutting at acceptable cutting conditions. At the same time, to optimize the scheme for cutting the thread toot profi le and to set rational feed rates for cutting into the working, objective dependences of the cutting forces components are required for parameters characteristic for threading with ceramic plates. For this purpose, a special experiment has been planned and conducted, for which a stepped surface was turned with predetermined differences divided by annular grooves on a round billet of a shaft made of 35Kh3NM steel with hardness of HRC 52–54 and yield strength of 880 MPa. The diameter of the steps was chosen in accordance with the set depth of cutting, the initial thread was cut along all steps, then a set value of the feed rate was imparted to the cutter installed in the dynamometer on the lathe and the cutting force components were measured at all steps when cutting the threads,. The obtained experimental data were approximated using the Mathcad computer algebra system. As a result, empirical indicative dependences of the cutting force components on parameters of the cut layer were determined for cutting modes and cutting angles typical for cutting ceramics, which adequately reflect experimental data.

keywords High-strength materials, thread, ceramic cutting insert, insert feed, main and radial component of the cutting force, empirical exponential dependencies, approximation

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