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ArticleName Technology of underground pretreatment and X-ray radiometric separation of low-grade uranium ore
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2018.07.12
ArticleAuthor Beidin A. V., Ovseichuk V. A., Morozov A. A.

Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia:

A. V. Beidin, Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
V. A. Ovseichuk, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Priargunsky Mining and Chemical Works, Krasnokamensk, Russia:
A. A. Morozov, Director for Science, technology and Innovative Development, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


In view of depletion of high-grade ore, extraction of medium- and low-grade ore is started, which is low-profi table or even loss-making in case of using the current technologies. Priargunsky Mining and Chemical Works has developed an underground pretreatment technology for low-grade uranium ore and a structural layout of underground ore grading. The pretreatment technology is meant for ore with low uranium content. A feature of this technology is application of middlings and tailings of the preliminary grading in the underground mining processes. The use of the proposed low-grade ore pretreatment technology will enhance efficiency of an underground uranium mine owing to increased final product output, decreased quantity of ore lifting to the ground surface, reduced cost of haulage, as well as mitigated environmental pressure in the mining area due to reduction in dumps and tailings storages on the ground surface.

keywords Underground mining, low-grade uranium ore, ore screening. X-ray radiometric separation, process grades, uranium leaching

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