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ArticleName Training of specialists in the field of intellectual property protection and invention at universities for mining engineering
DOI 10.17580/em.2018.01.10
ArticleAuthor Savchenkov S. A., Bazhin V. Yu., Vilenskaya A. V.

Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Sain Petersburg, Russia:

Savchenkov S. A., Post-Graduate Student
Bazhin V. Yu., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Head of Chair,
Vilenskaya A. V., Leading Programmer Engineer


The relevance of training mining engineering specialists in the field of intellectual property protection and invention is demonstrated. The invention and intellectual property survey of students studying mining, geology, oil and gas exploration and development, etc. at the Russian universities is presented. The major problems connected with the lack of student training in the area of intellectual property protection and invention are discussed. The authors proposed two ways of solving the problems so that to provide mining engineers with applied training in the sphere of intellectual property protection. One of the lines of training is the analysis of the current engineering solutions and advance inventions of the biggest mining and metallurgical companies, which enables learning of underlying principles of patenting of engineering solutions. The second line is teaching of invention philosophy so that students of various specializations in mining engineering improve existing engineering solutions; in this case, even minute improvements of a pilot plant or a technology should accord with the protection documentation rules. In the course of the suggested mode training, students will learn to apply their basic knowledge in the related branches of industry and to disclose new objects for improvement.

keywords Higher education, engineer, personnel training, mining engineer, invention, patent, intellectual property protection

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