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ArticleName Increasing the functional capabilities of thin-layer (channel) apparatuses in beneficiation processes
DOI 10.17580/or.2017.05.07
ArticleAuthor Cherkasov V. G.

Transbaikal State University (Chita, Russia):

Cherkasov V. G., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,


A process of separating two-phase medium of the polymineral suspension type in inclined thin-layer space is considered with a view to substantiate constructive approaches to enhance the functionality of the devices in question that are used for recovery of valuable component narrow size fractions. The characteristic features of finely-dispersed solid particles redistribution in unstable twophase medium of suspension in laminar stratified flow of thin-layer (channel) space are shown. Design solutions with a view to form double thin-layer effect increasing fine particles segregation mechanism by joining sedimentation streams of each layer into one local space with subsequent longitudinal transport in V-shaped sloping channel are presented. Alternative design variations of thin-layer apparatuses with established spare capacities realization through double gravity effect utilization in one working area, keeping the main functionality of the apparatuses in question — process water treatment, are proposed. The first effect is achieved through solid phase sedimentation, the second — in the process of sediment gravity transport in local channel, increasing particles hindered segregation mechanism. The designs implementation on the basis of commonality in modular embodiment through parallel or series connection in a bank of apparatuses affords an opportunity of changing separation process and treated quantities. Singularity of construction is reflected by the author in the patents of the Russian Federation Nos. 16929028, 2248848, 2385771. The advisability of using the apparatuses in question is attributable to high losses
of small and fine size fractions of valuable component in hydromechanized treatment of minerals. Furthermore, the proposed design solution permits to combine water treatment and beneficiation functionalities in one apparatus.

keywords Thin-layer apparatuses, channel, solids, design, polymineral slurry, segregation of particles, sediment, heavy fraction, beneficating effect, stratified flow

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