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ArticleName Mineral resources and their effect on the social and economic development in the Republic of Dagestan
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.12.01
ArticleAuthor Abdulaev S.-Sh. O., Dokholyan S. V., Cherkashin V. I.

Institute of Social and Economic Researches, Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia:

S.-Sh. O. Abdulaev, Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
S. V. Dokholyan, Director, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences,


Institute of Geology, Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia:
V. I. Cherkashin, Director, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences


Economics and politics of countries are to a great extent governed by the mineral wealth. Mineral resources are very important for social and economic development in the federal subjects of Russia, such as the Republic of Dagestan. Dagestan is a self-sufficient Russian region in terms of the mineral wealth. Being explored for more than 100 years, mineral reserves that are under development or of interest for industrial-scale production include: fuel-and-power resources (oil, gas, coal, oil shale, peat); nonferrous and rare metals (copper, lead, zinc, strontium, cobalt, mercury); precious metals (gold, silver, platinum); nonmetallics (carbonate, sulfate, zeolite-bearing and silica rocks, clays, siliceous sand, vein quartz, seashells, sulfur, phosphorites, etc.); underground water (fresh, mineral, thermal, process). Of the highest concern for the industry are oil and natural gas, and groundwater. Oil reserves (including condensate) make up 15.2 Mt, gas — 111.99 Bm3; prospective reserves of these minerals are even higher — 30.3 Mt and 148.5 Bm3, respectively; there are 54 sites of hydrocarbons all in all. Regarding groundwater, its integrated development is stage-wise: the first stage is utilization of heat of hydrothermal brines; the second stage is recovery of chemical, including rare earth, elements (Li, Sr and other).

keywords Republic of Dagestan, mineral reserves, subsoil use, oil, gas, hydrothermal reserves, hard minerals, social and economic development

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