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ArticleName Ecological effect of granitic rocks processing screenings’ dust fractions utilization
DOI 10.17580/or.2016.06.10
ArticleAuthor Mikhaylova N. V.

REC «Mekhanobr-Tekhnika»; Interstroyproekt, CJSC (Russia):

Mikhaylova N. V., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Chief Technologist,


The work is dedicated to an assessment of the environment-oriented effect resulting from the introduction of igneous rocks processing screenings’ fine-dispersed fraction (below 0.16 mm) comprehensive utilization technologies. Fine-dispersed fraction utilization will permit to reduce annually dumped dusty material mass by 7–30 %, eliminating certain related ecological environmental impacts. In order to perform quantitative assessment of ecological effect, aggregated estimation of prevented environmental damage was accomplished. The aggregated estimation was carried out with respect to the most significant categories of environmental damage: the atmospheric air pollution damage, damage caused by land withdrawal from agriculture and from natural ecosystems reclamation (transfer of territory), damage arising from land pollution. The aggregated estimation was performed for a conventional enterprise with model characteristics, assumed in compliance with the Russian industrial sector norms for process design and the available operating experience of the domestic granitic crushed stone production facilities. According to the accomplished estimation, environmental damage, prevented through igneous rocks processing screenings’ dust fractions utilization, will amount to: per mined bulk unit — 47 roubles/ton, per utilized dust unit — 1377 roubles/ton. On the assumption of countrywide introduction of dust fractions utilization, damage prevented at the domestic level will total up to 5.43 RUB bn annually. The predicted extent of prevented environmental damage permits to conclude that screenings’ dust fractions utilization is of a highly significant environment-oriented effect.
The work was performed with the financial aid from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the Project No. 14.576.21.0042 dated 16.07.2014, (UIPNI RFMEFI57614X0042).

keywords Igneous rocks processing screenings, screenings’ dust fractions, screenings’ dust fractions utilization, ecological effect, prevented environmental damage

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